


Wiki » History » Version 66

Juha-Pekka Lehtiö, 2022-02-03 13:35

1 56 Timo Eronen
h1. Acknowledging using the resources
2 1 Timo Eronen
3 56 Timo Eronen
4 1 Timo Eronen
5 57 Timo Eronen
*1.* If you have used these computing resources in your publication, you should add the following *Acknowledgement* in it:
6 57 Timo Eronen
_The computer resources of the Finnish IT Center for Science (CSC) and the FGCI project (Finland) are acknowledged._
7 1 Timo Eronen
8 57 Timo Eronen
*2.* Send the bibliographic information of your publications/theses (authors, title, journal/series, volume, page, year),
9 57 Timo Eronen
in which our services have been used, to, for maintaining the record of the number of publications utilizing our services.
10 57 Timo Eronen
11 56 Timo Eronen
12 56 Timo Eronen
13 65 Timo Eronen
h1. Operating Instructions
14 65 Timo Eronen
15 66 Juha-Pekka Lehtiö
* Get started: [[Request_User_ID|Request user account]]
16 1 Timo Eronen
17 66 Juha-Pekka Lehtiö
* Instructions for basic cluster use (replace "puhti" with the cluster name e.g. "dione" and "" with "")
18 66 Juha-Pekka Lehtiö
** "Connecting to cluster":
19 66 Juha-Pekka Lehtiö
** "Submitting jobs":
20 66 Juha-Pekka Lehtiö
** "Using software modules":
21 66 Juha-Pekka Lehtiö
22 66 Juha-Pekka Lehtiö
* Instructions for working in Linux environment
23 66 Juha-Pekka Lehtiö
** "CSC Linux basics tutorial":
24 66 Juha-Pekka Lehtiö
25 56 Timo Eronen
26 56 Timo Eronen
27 18 Timo Eronen
h1. User's Info
28 18 Timo Eronen
29 18 Timo Eronen
NOTE: To be able to create +New Issues+ (bug reports, service requests, etc.) you need to +Sign In+.
30 11 Timo Eronen
31 40 Timo Eronen
NOTE: When creating an Issue use target Assignee as "Cluster Admin", otherwise notification mail might get lost.
32 40 Timo Eronen
33 60 Timo Eronen
* Info on Requesting Local Account on FGCI UTU/ÅA Grid [[Request_User_ID]]
34 45 Timo Eronen
* Info on Creating SSH keys for *Cluster* access [[Create_SSH_keys_for_Login]]
35 37 Henrik Levämäki
* Info on Creating *Personal* certificate for Grid usage [[Obtain_the_Personal_Certificate]]
36 37 Henrik Levämäki
* Info on Preparing to run Grid jobs [[Prepare_For_Grid_Usage]]
37 59 Timo Eronen
* Info on Submitting a job into the Grid [[Submit_Grid_Job]]
38 1 Timo Eronen
* Info on Requesting non-standard software [[Request_Software]]
39 1 Timo Eronen
* Info on Local Software [[Locally_Installed_Software]]
40 1 Timo Eronen
* Info on Using Mathematica on Pleione/Titan [[mathematica_info]]
41 63 Anonymous
* Info on Efficient source code compilation on Titan [[titan_compile]]
42 66 Juha-Pekka Lehtiö
* Dione user instructions [[Dione_user_instructions]]
43 1 Timo Eronen
44 56 Timo Eronen
45 56 Timo Eronen
46 25 Timo Eronen
h1. System Info
47 25 Timo Eronen
48 56 Timo Eronen
* Info on Partitions (Queues) and Compute Nodes [[clusters:Partition_Info]] (Access needs registration)
49 56 Timo Eronen
* Info on Storage Space [[clusters:Disks_And_Filesystems]] (Access needs registration)