


Request User ID » History » Version 24

Timo Eronen, 2019-10-30 12:24

1 1 Timo Eronen
h1. Request User ID
2 1 Timo Eronen
3 21 Timo Eronen
To request Local Account on FGCI UTU/ÅA Grid provide the following information. If you don't have 
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UTU or ÅA Account contact the site administrator:
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1. Your UTU or ÅA User ID (note: user ID, not your name nor student number or anything like that. User ID is called also as "käyttäjätunnus", "användarnamn", "account name" etc.)
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2. Your Name
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3. List of clusters you need access to (dione, titan and/or pleione). List ONLY cluster(s) you are really going to use!
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4. Your UTU or ÅA email address
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5. Your Phone number
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And send the information to "Request FGCI UTU/ÅA local Account"ÅA%20local%20Account
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If the link above does not work, use your preferred method of emailing the above information:
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Subject: Request FGCI UTU/ÅA local Account
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As the result, you will be replied with the following message:
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From: <>
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Subject: Your message to Fgi-admins awaits moderator approval
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Your mail to 'Fgi-admins' with the subject
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    Request FGCI UTU/ÅA local Account
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Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
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The reason it is being held:
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    Post by non-member to a members-only list
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This means that your request will be handled by the site administrator.
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As soon as the request is processed you will get password by email.
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Note also that you will be sent invitation via email to join to *FGCI UTU/ÅA user's mailing list*.
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Joining to the list is *mandatory*.
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If you requested account on multiple Clusters you will get multiple invitations. Only one
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invitation needs to be accepted. However, it does not harm anything to accept multiple invitations.